Source code for sndid.sndidjack

# sndid/
# Copyright 2024, Jeff Moe <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
import concurrent.futures
import io
import jack
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import queue
import sys
import threading
from .audiodetectionwriter import AudioDetectionWriter
from .segment_analyzer import SegmentAnalyzer
from .detectionswriter import DetectionsWriter
from .analyzerwrapper import AnalyzerWrapper
from .__version__ import __version__

[docs] class SndIdJack: """ Process audio and identify species using SndIdJack. Attributes: config (dict): Configuration data. detections_writer (TextWriter): Object for writing detections. audio_segmenter (Segmenter): Object for segmenting audio. audio_processor (AudioProcessor): Object for processing audio. species_identifier (SpeciesIdentifier): Object for identifying species. """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialize SndIdJack. Args: config (dict): Configuration data. """ logging.debug(f"{sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1]} {__version__}") self.config = config logging.debug(f"Configuration loaded: {json.dumps(self.config, indent=4)}") self.segment_length = self.config["segment_length"] self.n_inputs = self.config["n_inputs"] self.sample_rate = self.config["sample_rate"] self.detections_file = os.path.join(self.config["output_dir"], "detections.txt") self.detections_dir = self.config["output_dir"] logging.debug(f"Creating detection writer for file: {self.detections_file}") self.detection_writer = AudioDetectionWriter( self.detections_file, self.detections_dir ) self.min_confidence = config["min_confidence"] = config["lat"] self.lon = config["lon"] self.f = io.StringIO() logging.debug(f"Initializing {self.n_inputs} segment buffers") self.segments = [np.ndarray([1024]) for _ in range(self.n_inputs)] self.data_queues = [queue.Queue(maxsize=10) for _ in range(self.n_inputs)] logging.debug("Setting up thread event") self.event = threading.Event() self.clientname = "SndIdJack" self.client = jack.Client(self.clientname) logging.debug(f"Creating ThreadPoolExecutor with max_workers: {8}") self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) self.detections_writer = DetectionsWriter( self.detections_file, self.detections_dir ) self.analyzer_wrapper = AnalyzerWrapper(self.config)
[docs] def register_client(self): """ Register client inports. """ logging.debug("Registering client inports") for i in range(1, self.n_inputs + 1): self.client.inports.register(f"input_{i}")
[docs] def segment_data(self, input_index): """ Segment data for further processing. Args: input_index (int): Index of the input. """ while not self.data_queues[input_index].empty(): data = self.data_queues[input_index].get() self.segments[input_index] = np.append( self.segments[input_index], data, axis=0 ) if len(self.segments[input_index]) >= self.segment_length: segment = self.segments[input_index][: self.segment_length] self.executor.submit(self.analyze_segment, input_index, segment) logging.debug( f"Submit segment for analysis in a new thread for input {input_index + 1}." ) self.segments[input_index] = self.segments[input_index][ self.segment_length : ]
[docs] def analyze_segment(self, input_index, segment): """ Analyze a segment of audio data for input_index. Args: input_index (int): Index of the input. segment (numpy.ndarray): The audio segment to analyze. Returns: tuple or None: If detections are made, return a tuple of the segment, detections, and detection_timestamp. Otherwise, return None. """ result = self.segment_analyzer.analyze(input_index, segment) if result: segment, detections, detection_timestamp = result self.detection_writer.detection_queue.put( (segment, detections, detection_timestamp, input_index) )
[docs] def connect_client(self): """ Connect client inports to their respective sources. """ logging.debug("Connecting client") with self.client: for i in range(self.n_inputs): self.client.connect( f"ardour:Master/audio_out {i+1}", f"SndIdJack:input_{i+1}" )"Press Ctrl+C to stop") try: self.event.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt:"Interrupted by user")
[docs] def process(self, frames): """ Process audio frames and segment data. Args: frames (numpy.ndarray): Audio frames to process. """ if len(self.client.inports) != self.n_inputs: self._update_data_structures() for i, port in enumerate(self.client.inports): data = port.get_array() self.data_queues[i].put(data) self.segment_data(i)
def _update_data_structures(self): """ Update data structures. """ self.n_inputs = len(self.client.inports) while len(self.segments) < self.n_inputs: self.segments.append(np.ndarray([1024])) while len(self.data_queues) < self.n_inputs: self.data_queues.append(queue.Queue(maxsize=10))
[docs] def shutdown(self, status, reason): """ Shutdown callback function. Args: status (int): JACK status code. reason (str): JACK shutdown reason. """ logging.debug("JACK shutdown") logging.debug(f"Status: {status}") logging.debug(f"Reason: {reason}") self.event.set()
[docs] def main(self): """ Main process for SndIdJack. """ @self.client.set_process_callback def process_callback(frames): # logging.debug("process callback") self.process(frames) @self.client.set_shutdown_callback def shutdown_callback(status, reason): logging.debug("shuddown callback") self.shutdown(status, reason) logging.debug("Setting up segment analyzer and registering client") self.segment_analyzer = SegmentAnalyzer(self.analyzer_wrapper) self.register_client() self.connect_client()